What is preventive maintenance – CMMS

Preventive maintenance is the maintenance that allows the conservation of equipment or facilities through a review and cleaning to ensure its proper functioning.

And the CMMS is the management of this preventive maintenance but assisted by computer techniques.

ServiceTonic’s Help Desk offers this functionality to those companies that have assets that require preventive maintenance, such as those that manage the maintenance of offices and buildings, electricity and lighting, plumbing and sanitation, air conditioning, security, cleaning and for IT departments of any sector.

Benefits of installing ServiceTonic’s preventive maintenance system (CMMS)

Undoubtedly, the installation of a preventive maintenance system (CMMS) in companies provides them with great advantages, since it anticipates future incidents and acts before they happen.

  • Cost reduction: thanks to preventive maintenance, you can increase the operating life of your assets and avoid stopping production processes because of an incident in some asset.
  • Increase in productivity: an efficient team is synonymous with an improvement in productivity. Improve the reliability of your assets.
  • Improve decision making: thanks to knowing the previous state of the assets, you can anticipate what actions to take on them.
  • Optimize purchases: know, before they fail, what spare parts you will need, and effectively manage your stock.
  • Process automation: preventive maintenance or CMMS allows you to automate the ranges and routines, i.e. the processes that must be validated for that asset to be effectively maintained.
  • Software in the cloud and adapted to different devices: you can access the CMMS or maintenance planning from your smartphone, tablet or PC and from anywhere.
  • Alerts configuration: ServiceTonic allows, within the configuration of preventive maintenance, the creation of personalized alerts that are activated in case of failure to comply with any routine of such maintenance. In addition, you can also define what actions to take in case that alert is generated.

CMMS Generation or Preventive Maintenance with ServiceTonic

ServiceTonic manages the preventive maintenance of your assets through its ticketing tool. The philosophy of the Help Desk is to create the tickets related to the maintenance in inactive state, with the routines and ranges defined by the administrator, as well as the periodicity and execution of these.

The administrator configures the application to automatically generate the tickets related to the preventive maintenance of the assets and to notify the agents, including the possibility of generating alerts as needed.

For this configuration it is essential to have the CMDB module, since these tickets predefined in the system by the agent will be linked to the assets that require preventive maintenance.

These tickets are accessible to the agents, both from their desktop application and from the application on tablets and smartphones, allowing those field agents to optimize their maintenance work on the company’s assets and manage a 24×7 maintenance.

For example, the maintenance technician of an elevator company can add the necessary information of that asset, in this case, the elevator, on the spot, without having to return to the office to dump the data.

In addition, through the QRTonic functionality, the technician can consult the maintenance status of an asset through a simple QR code.

Consulting the CMMS planning

Once the preventive maintenance planning has been created, ServiceTonic lets you follow up the planning of the ranges or actions to be carried out in such maintenance through a visual graphic, which, thanks to color coding, allows the agent to see the routines already executed, those to be executed, and the future revisions.
This view can be of the general planning, in which you can observe the complete planning with all the ranges with their respective routines:

Preventive maintenance

And this view of the maintenance planning or the CMMS can also be done individually by asset.

Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance

Maintenance assets

Once the agent has created the CMMS and preventive maintenance planning, ServiceTonic generates the inactive tickets with the tasks that must me checked. Thus, depending on the configuration of the ranges and routines, each ticket will include one or the other and will be activated at one time or another.

It is also possible to manually change the execution of a ticket; if, for example, a technician cannot attend a maintenance session, the resolution date will be changed.

CMMS Tickets