ServiceTonic update list

History of improvements and new features available

New features


  • Allow responding to tickets via WhatsApp even if they were not generated through WhatsApp.
  • Optimization of usability in the side menu.
  • Change of icons in the side menu.
  • Text optimization for mobile devices.
  • Improvements in email templates.

New features


  • Redesign of the ticket.
  • Integration with WhatsApp.
  • Improvements in Chat / Chatbot.
  • Web Service for querying (REST API).
  • Table-type fields in Service Catalogs.
  • Others: Control in reports | Management of new user passwords.

New features


  • Traditional Chinese language has been added.
  • Kanban views in ServiceTonic.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.
  • REST API for ticket queries.

New features


  • View dialogue from ticket and issue editing.
  • Improvements in the chatbot.
  • View attachments in ServiceTonic templates for DoneTonic.
  • Improvements in password restoration.
  • Integration with WhatsApp.

New features


  • Secure Reports.
  • Validate fields in the BOT.
  • Reorganize catalog request.
  • BOT: Apply access criteria to KB libraries.
  • Create CC_Notification field.


  • Identification of CIs behind a switch.
  • Indicate printer type as CI: local or network.
  • Change printer scanning status.

New features


  • Configure fuzzy search in searches for ticket content, issues, CMDB, etc.

New features


  • Improvements in the web forms.
  • Review and correction of all application elements.
  • Update of slaves and standalone via https in NetworkTonic.
  • Microsoft 365 authentication.
  • Show indication of scanning or not scanning.
  • Added check to indicate notification to CC.
  • Allow ForumTonic only for agents.

New features


  • CC notifications field.
  • Log session end.
  • Chinese translation.
  • Table type fields.
  • Optimized search by content.
  • Azure AD contact lists.
  • ST bot definition.

New features


  • Set the variables list in predefined descriptions.

New features


  • Possibility to create star surveys according to the user role

  • Access, through a link in the user portal, to a ticket

  • Microsoft email integration via Graph API
  • Index ASSET, CI, problems and tickets

New features


  • Option for functional cookies to be optional

  • Improve the functionality of “I forgot my password”

  • Add option to not be able to automatically create tickets from an email

  • Index ASSET, CI, problems and tickets

New features


  • Encrypt usernames and passwords
  • Include field integrators in contact editing
  • Czech translation
  • Report clicks on FAQs visible
  • Add exporter to ResultSet ingredients


  • Database scanner
  • Scan local printers
  • Create Sensor indicating Windows updates
  • Show the reason why a zip from a slave could not be imported into the master
  • In Linux diagnostics, report on available commands
  • Gather remote user login history
  • Get vmnix OS information (vmware)
New features

  • Non-ASCII character support
New features

  • Creation of reports to track the number of clicks on the FAQs.
  • Bot improvements.
  • Possibility of adding multiple emails in the ticket’s CC, changing its icon whenever these emails are associated.

New features

  • ServiceTonic translation into Swedish
  • Implementation of searches in ServiceTonic’ s collaborative tool.
  • Ability to indicate whether actions are public or private in the web services

New features

New features

New features

  • Correction of errors

New features


  • An incremental updater has been implemented

New features


New features


  • Obsolete Relationship Removal – If a relationship between a CI and a software has been removed, remove the relationship from NetworkTonic and transfer it to ServiceTonic. The waiting time for this elimination is configurable by the user.
  • Elimination of “Asset type” and “Asset data” pages
New features

  • Transfer of the NetworkTonic slave’s name to ServiceTonic
  • Optimization when selecting the visibility of the “Teams” from Calendar, Control Panel, All tickets and Problems, opening a new box in which the teams associated to that agent are displayed.
  • Customizable configuration of the icons in mobility by service
  • Optimization of queries: some queries have been optimized, thus reducing application response times
  • Notifications when an email integration fails: if the administrator has configured the mail options in Administration / System / Mail Administration and has configured a notification mail in Administration / System / System Administration, every time there is an incident with an email’s integration, a notification will arrive to that email.


  • Local Discovery creates a trace of your activity: from this version on, there is a record of all the activity generated when scanning the assets.
  • New icons showing asset scan status: Small marks have been added to the icons that indicate if the asset is being scanned, has been scanned, or if there has been a problem

New features

  • Fill in, automatically, the action’s fields according to the type of action
  • Improved FAQ’s intelligent search
  • Export of tickets associated with maintenance contracts
  • Networktonic: CI Preview
  • Networktonic: Changing text for icons


  • Resolution of minor incidents.

New features

  • Maps implementation
  • Updating agent availability by registering his/her presence
  • Role-based access has been added to the time control functionality
  • New graphics
  • Optimization of the popup definition page
  • Networktonic: improvements in exportability management
  • Networktonic: New Scanned CI Alert


  • Resolution of minor incidents.
Nuevas funcionalidades

  • Change the color of the ticket header according to its priority
  • Improvements in the Rest API
  • Optimizing the selection of the contact when there is only one, allows the fastest loading of this
  • Registration of QR codes
New features


  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features

  • Change of password in a Slave (Network Discovery Tool)
  • Push Alerts
  • Encrypt the slaves information (Network Discovery Tool)
  • Unauthorized software alerts
  • QR code licensing
  • Configure by Role the access to the search by content
  • Web service contact consultation


  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features


  • Resolution of minor incidents.

New features


  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features

  • Visibility of performances by role
  • New Language – Polish
  • Times by State


  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features

  • Fully Responsive Interface
  • Image Management in Tickets
  • Agents signature
  • Predefined answers by role
  • Multiple message type ingredients
  • Quick survey with star rating
  • NetworkTonic – Multiple improvements


  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features

  • New ‘Request More Information’ option in approval
  • Complete elimination of tickets/problems/CI’s/Actives.


  • Fixed error in CMMS execution frequency.
  • Improved auto-refresh of the dashboard to avoid losing session.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.
Nuevas funcionalidades

  • Password Policy


  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features

  • GDPR
  • Global Dashboard


  • Solution to mobility errors.
  • Correction in the reading of mails with IMAP configuration.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.

New features

  • AntiSpam filter improvements
  • New default CI types: Switch, Router, VoIP.


  • Improvements in Service Templates.
  • Fixed error in Validators with numeric fields.
  • Fixed error with .msg attachments.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.
Nuevas funcionalidades

  • New variables for HTML templates [KB#1125]
  • Hide password change in preferences. [KB#1058]
  • Add topic path in KB searches. [KB#1059]
  • Improvement in the visualization of contracts from the portal. [KB#1544]


  • Improved automatic ticket import
  • Improved generation of scheduled reports.
  • Fixed error in the LDAP configuration in agents.
  • Solved error in the creation of ranges in CMMS.
  • Solved problem with the closing of tickets with assigned flows.
  • Solved problem in the resolution of minor incidences.
Nuevas funcionalidades

  • Call Center page redesign. [KB#1231]
  • Assignment of ownership from StProcess. [KB#1106]


  • Solved problem in the configuration of LDAP contact lists.
  • Fixed error with the User Portal slogan.
  • Solved error in notification to team with Round-Robin.
  • Solved problem with survey logos.
  • Improved the display of services in the User Portal Catalog.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.

New features

  • Ticket links with sub-tasks. [KB#1231]
  • New system field: Affected users. Shows users subscribed/linked to a global ticket. [KB#1106]
  • stProcess updateTicket updated. Now it allows to select Team/Assigned. [KB#1231]
  • Send mail notifications without attachments. [KB#1125]
  • Possibility of indicating permitted extensions in attachments. [KB#1198]


  • Fixed problem with user signatures in PDF files.
  • Fixed error with negative values in numeric fields.
  • Solved error in modification of hours in contracts.
  • Solved problem with survey logos.
  • Improved display of panel names in administration.
  • Improved display of CIs in mobility.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.

Nuevas funcionalidades

  • Execution of integrators (external database) using StProcess. [KB#1231]
  • Public performances by default in mobility.
  • Possibility to charge negative time in ticket performances. [KB#1079]
  • Ability to remove SCI’s. [KB#1152]
  • Integrators against external Azure SQL databases. [KB#1122]


  • Improvements in the creation of tickets from the calendar.
  • Internal improvements in the definition of SLA’s.
  • Solved Network Discovery’s access bug.
  • Changes in the definition of custom reports styles.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.

New features

  • Survey pages with styles. [KB#1157]
  • SQL reports with custom header and styles. [KB#1295]
  • Integration with telephe (CTI). [KB#1371]
  • CMDB – Added new PC type field.


  • Improvements in the definition of SCI’s.
  • Avoiding mail reading blockages.
  • Change of styles in Chat.
  • obility – Improvements in signatures and actions.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features

  • Automatic execution of integrators in User Portal [KB#1122]
  • Improvement in reading emails by service.
  • CC search in tickets and problems [KB#1055]
  • Flow improvements: Allow user responses and adding of actions at the end of the flow.
  • obility actions in the same data tab.
  • Do not show software in CMDB graphic. [KB#1148]
  • Changes in behavior/appearance of the chat widget.
  • Character filtering in the creation of ticket performances.


  • Improvement in email sending with Exchange.
  • Field integrators in Service Catalog.
  • Approvals in tickets with automatic flows.
  • Configuration of personalized fields in Mobility.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.

New features

  • ServiceTonic Network Discovery Tool summary tab enhancements
  • Added export of CI software to STNDT.
  • Validators in the Service Catalog fields.
  • Added functionality to duplicate flows.
  • Webservices: transfer comments and actions.
  • New type of CI: Software.


  • Improved management of parameters in reports.
  • Improvement in ticket importation.
  • Correction in mobility management.
  • Improvement in ServiceTonic – Network Discovery Tool integration.
  • Corrected order of views in selector.
  • Resolution of minor incidents.
New features

  • State-based workflow designer with drag & drop graphics system.
  • Service creation templates.
  • Tickets from Calendar.
  • Dashboard auto-refresh.
  • Favourite pages for the most used functionalities.
  • Improved search by CI, ID, title or reference.
  • Limit by user role the access to the quick action menu.
  • Temporary blocking of users after a number of unsuccessful access attempts.
  • Network Discovery Tool for automatic discovery and inventory of Windows computers with printers, monitors, keyboards, mice, etc. connected and software installed).
  • Redesign of the administration system: shortcuts and favorite pages, search facilities and an improved HTML editor.


  • Resolution of minor incidents