Critical factors for the implementation of new software in a company

Processes and tips to make the launch effective

One of the most important moments in the launch of a new software in a company is the time of its release or to make available to end users.

Critical data to consider when launching software

We will review in this post some critical facts to consider when launching a software and some of ServiceTonic particular elements we can use to ensure that the release is as effective as possible.

1. Management commitment. As with any change, company’s board of directors commitment is essential to ensure its successful implementation.

2. Communication. It is important to have a communication plan for all users explaining the advantages the new application will bring.

3. Planning. Start-up plan must be defined with clear milestones and include it within the communication plan so users have everything they need to use the new application effectively from the very beginning. The launch of the new software can be done by stages (functional or organizational) or all in once.

4. Validation and testing. Before the release, testing must performed to validate both the performance and the adequacy of the application to corporate requirements. Depending on the nature of the application, might be important to involve the end users in the validation tests or even a pilot with a subset of users.

5. Training. Before putting into operation, user have to be trained in the use of application, so that in boot time the user is as much familiar as possible with the new solution.

6. Support. At release time the user may require special support and higher than usual. Is important to size the resources so that they can provide effective initial user demand response.

7. Monitoring and continuous improvement. Once the solution has already gone into production is important to implement a plan for monitoring and continuous improvement to help keep the application fully aligned with business needs.

Common critical factors

These critical factors are common in the implementation of any new application in an enterprise and therefore are perfectly valid for the implementation of a Help Desk Software.

In the case of ServiceTonic, below are identified some characteristic elements that allow to give maximum visibility to the solution both as boot time and then complementing the critical factors indicated. These elements are:

1. Inform the organization about the benefits ServiceTonic will bring and scalability of the use of the solution to different areas of the company.
2. Enable the user portal and incoming mail. This will facilitate access to the service and give maximum visibility to the solution.
3. Activate the organizational view for managers in the user portal so as to allow each manager to know at all times the situation of service in relation to staff who is responsible for. This will give ServiceTonic visibility to company’s board of directors and will allow the management team to have more control over the operation of that applies to them.
4. Use scheduled reports. Using these reports enables timely and conveniently each person receive in their email the information required to effectively manage the service.
5. Enable SLAs. Even if lax, activate a SLA will help educate the team that provides the service of the importance of responding to and resolving the various tickets by the deadline. From user perspective, get a quick response will help increase the level of their satisfaction from the first moment.
6. Use the Knowledge Database. There is nothing more effective than providing a solution to the user. The knowledge database can be used from the beginning even including only a small guide for using the main options enabled in ServiceTonic user portal.
7. Quality surveys. Knowing directly from users the level of their satisfaction helps run the process of continuous improvement.

Using these elements will help to provide visibility when implementing ServiceTonicinvolving management, motivating the service provider team and increasing the level of user satisfaction from the very beginning.

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